outdoor signs business design should pay attention to what aspects?

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outdoor signs business https://www.zg-sign.com/

After installation, outdoor signs business can bring real and effective guidance and instructions to people, so that people have a good visual feeling, which mainly depends on the communication between designers and builders. As a whole, the logo design should be novel, eye-catching and full of personality, and emphasize regional characteristics. Among them, the traffic signs need to be carried out in strict accordance with the national standards, and the other signs must consider the characteristics of the city in all aspects of the design and modeling, fully showing the spiritual outlook of the people of a region, regional culture and so on.

Today, the sign is here to share with you that we are very much looking at these aspects of the sign design, and I hope that we all have a lot of understanding of the sign design concept.

The first is safety: combined with whether it is reasonable, safe and stable, designers need to consider a number of factors, it will not be affected by the growth of surrounding plants, will not fall for a long time, will be blown down by the wind will not bring security risks to people and other factors.

The second is the function: the instructions are in place, the function is still relatively clear, outdoor signs business has some functions such as instructions, warnings and so on, although the function is ranked second, when the sign design can meet the function, the function of instructions and warnings is difficult to reflect.

The third is the shape: the lines are bright, beautiful and generous, and the requirements of cooperative customers for this piece are particularly obvious. In the process of more than ten years of work, we continue to cooperate with customers to communicate, modeling is our design of the two principles (safety, function) and planning of the three principles (reasonable, smooth, comprehensive) to make the basis. Designers will not blindly pursue a very eye-catching, attractive special shape, and ignore safety; It will not be stubborn in the gorgeous, beautiful layout effect, and can not meet the basic functional needs of the logo.

outdoor signs business https://www.zg-sign.com/
